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Publication Policy

This is a matter of pleasure and pride for all of us that after having overcome a lot of hurdles, this has been possible for us to publish the first volume of ‘Suradhunī ’, the E-journal as conceived by the respected members who are actively associated with this kind of academic pursuit. This is indeed embodied with the contributors of a lot of national and international scholars. The intention behind it is that cultivation of Sanskrit should be extended to every corners of India and abroad. This is the E-journal which may boost up the young talents most of whom are still the learners of Sanskrit literature. Even the E-journal may immensely help the young scholars and newly appointed teachers in particular in exposing their faculty of research. Furthermore it must be admitted that an academic pursuit like this stands to retain the continuity of the relentless flow of Sanskrit literature like – Yoga, Vastushastra, Ayurveda, Medical Science, Astrology, Grammar, Vedic studies, Philosophy, Poetics, Linguistics, Theatre, Epigraphy, Manuscriptology, Art and Architecture etc. So, Authors are requested to submit the manuscripts in accordance with the following publishing guidelines:

General Publication guidelines:

1. All full papers / articles / manuscripts must be submit only through online and not to be sent by post or personal delivery. In this case the applicant has to enter the website: and upload the Full Paper (Only PDF) 'submit manuscript form' mentioned in the "Manuscript" section.

2. The Articles are to be typed in Unicode front with double space and have to send word file with PDF.

3. The name of the article must be mentioned at the time of sending the paper. (In this format "Subject: Article Name").

4. The word limit of every Article must be between 1500-2500 including abstract.

5. The Article should start with an abstract of 200-250 word limits with maximum of six keywords at the end of the abstract.

6. The full research paper is to be submitted either in English or in Sanskrit (soft copy only) version with the structure as follows:

       ► For Sanskrit: Font size of Article must be 12 pt and Foot Note size 10 pt, Line and Paragraph Spacing - 1.5. as end note on A4 Paper with 2’’ Margins on all sides.

       ► For English: Font size of Article must be 12 pt and Foot Note size 10 pt, Line and Paragraph Spacing - 1.5. as end note on A4 Paper with 2’’ Margins on all sides.

7. If the paper is accepted for publication, it will not be returned later.

8. All the papers will be evaluated by an Expert Committee and only selected papers will be published with ISSN.

9. The editor’s team will not be held responsible for any such lapse of the contributors regarding plagiarism and unnecessarily putting quotations in the manuscripts.

10. All views and opinions expressed in the paper are the sole responsibility of the author concerned, neither the Editor or nor the Publisher can in anyway, be held responsible for them.

11. All papers will be evaluated through Blind Review Process Committee constituted by experts from Institutions, Universities and other Organizations.

Instructions for the manuscripts:

1. The research article must be original, authentic andhave not been published elsewhere before.

2. The Article should begin with a relevant title typed in bold letter (font size 14), followed by authors’ / co-Authors’ name in bold letter (font size 12) and designation, affiliation, contact number, whatsApp number, valid Email ID and corresponding address.

3. The full paper should follow the format given below:

       ✔ Title Page – Abstract − Keywords.

       ✔ Introduction − Review of Literature (if possible) – Objectives − Hypothesises / Research Questions (if any) − Limitations / Delimitations − Observation – Discussion –conclusion − References.

4. References / Bibliography will be according to M.L. Style sheet format [Name of the Author (surname first), Name of the Book / Articles, Vol., Name of the Publisher, Year of Publication, Place of Publication].

5. All the References / Bibliography should be written alphabetically.

6. No scanned images or pdf files and video recording will be accepted.

7. The Editor has the right to make some modifications or changes to the manuscripts in order to maintain the quality of the journal.