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Instructions for membership

All of you are aware of the fact that various educational institutions have been carrying out useful initiative since long to continue the trend of cultivation of academic affairs. With the tune of this trend, however, the historical and the cultural development of entire India are being transmitted through the exchange of deliberation. E-journal is the latest instrument for the said transmission. Although the character of cultivation as well as the transmission of remains same as before, the type of application is changing to a certain extent. The E-journal, in fact, is now building a new bridge between the past and present. Even it is helping the talents of the new generation to come up with their label best. The World Sanskritshastra Association, in this connection invites academicians, researchers, professionals and academic Institutes and organizations to join the initiative we are going to take. So, we are at present offering two types of membership as follows:
●Annual Membership
●Lifetime Membership

Eligibility criteria for Annual & Lifetime Memberships:

All concerned, who are willing to take these memberships, are requested to note and act according to these following eligibility criteria.

Citizenship India / Foreigner
Age Above 18
Duration 1 Year for Annual Membership
Lifelong for Lifetime Membership
Fees Nil
Documents Required (For Online Submission) Name, Image, Designation, Curriculum Vitae (C.V)
Process of Selection Honorable members of various Boards of ‘Suradhunī family will act as judge in the process of selection of the research articles for recommendation and acceptance. The decision of judges will be final. For the purpose, the applicants require to submit a short Curriculum Vitae (CV) stating educational qualification, research publication and records of contribution to any other societies if any.

Membership Benefits:

1. Those who will take an Annual / lifetime membership will receive a certificate, which will accelerate their path to academic advancement.

2. To provide an ideal platform for members to develop their talents.

3. To provide knowledge on Research Methodologies and design aspects.

4. Holding on the tradition of ancient knowledge by modern standards.

5. The World Sanskritshastra Association gives you the opportunity to connect colleagues of each educational institution as well as give you real leadership in your profession.

6. Annual / Lifetime members shall have the scope for being honored as resource person / chairperson etc. in various national / international Seminars / conferences / workshops to be conducted by the World Sanskritshastra Association.

7. Later, Life members can have the opportunity of becoming members of various boards of our organization depending on there academic excellences.

8. Lifetime members may be considered to be awarded various honors and prizes by this organization in future.

9. 9)To provide an academic pursuit like this stands to retain the continuity of the relentless flow of Sanskrit literature. This will again extend helping hands to encourage the members coming up for Sanskrit learning and teaching. Hence, the E-journal is going to meet various kinds of academic interest.

10. Please feel free to email us if you require any further information/ clarification to

How to Join:

To become a member of the ‘Suradhunī’ , he/she must fill up an online Membership form. Please follow the steps below:

Step – 1: Upload your current Photo.
Step – 2: Enter your full name with salutation.
Step – 3: Enter your designation with affiliation.
Step – 4: Upload your short Curriculum Vitae (C.V).
Step – 5: Then click the submit button.