Untitled Document

Ethics Policy

‘World Sanskritshastra Association’ has taken an initiative to categorize the Sanskrit research field by publishing an open accessed, peer-reviewed e-journal. The main purpose of this journal is to cater the necessity of publishing the research work of the faculty members and young researchers and scholars of Sanskrit. In order to fulfil this purpose, we have to think about the aspect of moral reality. Because of the difference in thinking, moral decay is happening at every step. Therefore, in the world of cultivation of academic affairs, instead of basic research, a trend of conventionalism is being noticed. Just as the standard of actual research is being violated, many people are taking advantage of this dishonesty to further their own interests. This is by no means desirable. It is at this juncture that the ‘Suradhunī’ Journal Group is responsible for advancing its work in an ethical manner. This responsibility is not only of the researcher, but of all those directly or indirectly involved in the research. So our deliberate efforts to move the publishing work forward by following certain quality standards and principles are as follows:

Ethical Guidelines for the Authors:

► Authors must ensure in the copyright agreement that their written article is original and authentic.

► The authors must ensure in the copyright agreement that their research papers have not been published elsewhere before.

► Authors will be liable for correcting omissions or errors, and making additions or alterations in their writing as directed by the editor or reviewers.

► The word limit of every Article must be between 1500-2500 including abstract.

► Authors will be obliged to follow the rules of peer review method.

► The source of all the information mentioned in the research paper must be properly mentioned by the authors in accordance with the rules. If there is any dispute in this regard, it should be resolved before submitting the manuscript.

► If the authors find any kind of error in the published letter, it must be brought to the notice of the editor.

► If there is a co-author in the publishing work, his consent will not be unsolicited in any way. His credentials as a co-author must be mentioned. His consent must be ensured through a copyright transfer agreement.

► Authors will be obliged to follow the 'Guidelines for the Authors' rules when using references in the manuscripts.

► Authors must submit a copyright transfer agreement if the original article is to be considered for publication

► Authors will be forced to keep secret the various conversational decisions about the publication

► Discriminatory decisions or descriptions should be avoided in the selection or description of the subject irrespective of race, religion or caste.

► Authors need to be fair in giving their titles, institutional identities, etc. If there is any inconsistency, it is the responsibility of the author.

Ethical Guidelines for the Reviewers:

► By standards of ethics, every reviewer should keep all information about the article confidential. They should not publish any information or discuss with others without the permission of the editor.

► Every reviewer should make sure that the author's opinion is subjective while reviewing the articles. Let them avoid irrelevant things. In this case, it is better not to make any personal criticism of the authors.

► The information sent to each reviewer regarding the articles should be eagerly accepted in terms of fidelity.

► If there is any constructive opinion on the improvement of the manuscript, the reviewer should bring it to the notice of the editor.

► Reviewers should not consider manuscripts with conflicts of interest, competition, finances or collaboration.

► If a potential reviewer feels uncomfortable or timely in reviewing the manuscript, it is not possible for him / her to continue the review, he /she must inform the editor.

► The reviewer should refrain from any kind of misconduct. Conflict of interest in this case, if there is a lack of privacy; it will not be accepted in any way.

► Every reviewer is requested to evaluate each manuscript impartially on the basis of their own merits. In this case, if there is any conflict of interest in the content of the research article, the reviewer must inform the editor before reviewing.

► Critics don't just have to review. In this case, constructive feedback, evidence-based peer review reports should be made to guide the writers in the right direction.

► The well-thought-out response or correct direction of the reviewers is the criterion for accepting or rejecting an article. This in turn helps in improving the quality of the journal. Reviewers are therefore requested to proceed with the task of reviewing in a humane manner with sincerity.

Ethical Guidelines for the Editors:

► Editors have been given independent authority to carry out the work of publication smoothly. As a result, the decision of the Editorial Board on the acceptance or rejection of the articles is final. In this case, care must be taken so that no allegations of bias arise.

► The Editorial Board is always responsible for the proper quality of the publication as well as the journal. Therefore, the Editorial Board should always consider the needs of the writers and readers or any suggestions they may have while improving the publication.

► The editor should guarantee the integrity of the academic record and the mechanical quality of the publication.

► Editors should not expose manuscripts and other information about publishing to anyone other than members of the journal board.

► The editor may have the right to evaluate the manuscript and make it easier for him to handle the task of publishing.

► If there is any complaint about the authenticity of the manuscripts, it should be verified by the editors immediately. If the allegation in this regard is proved to be correct, the decision of the editor is final.

► The editor should make every effort to ensure that the publication is completed within the time frame specified or declared in the guideline.

► Authors have the right to take appropriate action against the Editorial Board if they fail to comply with the publication agreement.